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Psychoanalysis 2

December 24, 2023

Psychology is perhaps one of most misunderstood disciplines ever, especially its supposedly outdated psychoanalytic branch, Which is dismissed sometimes as not empirical.

The truth of the matter is that every single person on earth is a psychoanalyst of sorts because otherwise relating to others would be driven by chaotic instincts. The psychological insights of ancient mythology have been validated time and again.

Psychoanalysis is widely utilized professionally in management, love, war, marketing, politics, law, and even engineering. Alas, with the deluge of information about psychoanalysis in culture and media, it has actually become a tool of misunderstanding due to too much reduction. It should, however, be placed in its right place as just a single explanatory factor or tool in the immensely complex social world.

Following the somewhat uncalled for long introduction, I would love to share my musings on successful relationships based on my too presumptuous projection of pop psychology on some of the couples I remember of all the folks I have known.

The most successful couples ever are either those involving an electra female with a smooth easygoing relaxed man or an Oedipal guy with a soft, fully dedicated, sexy, enchanted, and low-key female. The previous raw observation comes with the caveat that soft traits of the opposite gender are genuine, neither feigned, nor shared with suppressed shadows that come out in time. It happens, as far as I have observed in a limited domain, that oedipal and electran types are quite often prone to the wiles of tricksters who undergo personality shifts in the mid- long- term when weakness is sniffed.

When it comes to destructive relationships, the most mutually destructive is the one between a strong Oedipus and a strong electra. They usually leave lifetime scars.

I have also come to notice that a guy totally subsumed by his father tends to fall for the complete opposite of his mother, while a girl subsumed by her mother falls for a guy she can shape, as she steers the ship ahead. Those are usually quite adept catching rich and alpha males. Meanwhile, a guy totally subsumed by his mother usually goes for a strong elder woman, ending up being ensnared by the Haj. A girl subsumed by her father usually succeeds in marriage with submissive but good moderate career guy.

Black sheep seldom succeed in maintaining long-term relations, yet when it happens that affairs last for the overhaul, it is usually with an interested wolf who turns the black sheep into lifetime cubs. Black sheep also sometimes make it with an enchanted female missing out so much on something the sheep owns, leading to a cuddly, snug relationship that lasts.

Centrist or perfectly balanced people who are, supposedly, the norm can make it with any type provided that the interest is genuine.

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